
Are Car Accident Settlements Public Record?

No, a settlement for a car accident claim isn’t a public record if the claim settles out of court. However, if your car accident case heads to trial, all the details about your case will become public records. All the information about the settlement, the injuries involved in the crash, and other information becomes public records, which means that anyone can access it.

Why You Should Consider Settling Your Car Accident Case Out of Court

Various factors will come into play when deciding whether to settle your case or take it to court. Most personal injury claims are resolved through out-of-court settlements when all the parties agree on a fair settlement amount. Other common reasons why people choose to settle their claim instead of going to court include:

  • To keep their personal information private. Because there will be no documented testimonies, no information about the case will go on public record. Keeping their personal information private is crucial for some people. Other people, however, don’t care about or need this level of privacy.
  • To reach a settlement faster. In most cases, that means the injured party can receive their compensation sooner than if they’d chosen to take their case to court and wait for a judgment.

Why You Should Consider Taking Your Car Accident Case to Court

Common reasons to take your car accident case to court can include the following:

  • To pursue higher compensation. For people who have suffered substantial injuries and related damages, these losses will surely affect their daily life. Sometimes, the settlement offer does not reflect the real nature and extent of their losses, which makes pursuing a higher settlement through a lawsuit more practical.
  • To seek additional damages. After devastating crashes that resulted in life-changing injuries on top of hefty medical expenses and lost income, accident victims are usually entitled to non-economic damages for their reduced quality of life and mental pain, suffering, and distress. In most cases, court awards for these damages are higher than negotiated settlements.

But keep in mind that when pursuing a car accident claim in court, the ruling will become public record, which means that anyone can see all details submitted in court. These details will include information regarding witness statements, the arguments and evidence of all parties involved, the plaintiff’s specific damages, and the court’s verdict.

Also, cases that head to trial normally do so because the defendant doesn’t want to play fair or one of the parties wants the public to know about what exactly happened.

Get Legal Help From an Experienced Florida Car Accident Lawyer Now

Injured in a car crash in Florida? Reach out to Tragos, Sartes & Tragos to learn more about your case. Our Florida car accident lawyer will discuss the pros and cons of settling your case or taking it to court. While we try our best to settle cases without involving the courts, we will be ready to present your case in court if this option will secure the most favorable results for you. Dial 727-441-9030 or reach us online to set up your free case review with our Florida car accident lawyer.