
If My Injuries Aren’t Severe, Why Should I Consult A Personal Injury Lawyer?

Sometimes a fender bender can be just that: a bender. If that is the case, you have every reason to be thankful. Sometimes, an accident that appears to be minor can quickly become a major one. Here are some reasons to seek out a personal injury lawyer if your injuries don’t appear to be serious.

How The Body Responds To Injuries

Amazing things can happen in the human body. The body is amazing. It can release certain chemicals (endorphins and adrenaline) after a stressful situation. These can provide extra energy and temporarily block pain. This is an example of how the body supplies these chemicals. Think about an athlete who perseveres despite injuries.

Problem is, however, that these chemicals’ response is temporary. Even though you may feel fine right away, the pain from the injuries can set in quickly. It could take days or even weeks to see the full extent of your injuries. Even if your injuries aren’t severe, it is important to seek medical attention immediately after an accident.

Types Of Injuries

The back, neck, and spine can all be affected by injuries that are not always obvious. Whiplash is one example. This condition can be caused by your head being “forcefully and rapidly thrown backward and then forwards,” which can cause spinal injuries as well as “disks between bones, ligaments muscles and nerves” and other tissues in the neck.

While many people recover in a matter of weeks, others may experience pain for months or even years. The site also notes that whiplash can be difficult to treat and it is “difficult” to predict how each individual will recover.

Concussions, traumatic brain injuries, and other conditions may not be obvious after an accident. Although a minor headache following an injury may not seem to be serious, it can become a chronic, painful condition for some. Sometimes, internal bleeding or damage to organs can go unnoticed at first after an accident.

We recommend that you seek medical attention immediately after an accident. You can also contact a personal injury lawyer to prevent any further injuries.

There Are Other Reasons To Contact A Personal Injury Attorney

Sometimes, injuries and property damage caused by an accident might not be serious. However, they could still be important.

The other driver might dispute the details of the accident and claim that they are not at fault.

Your insurance company will most likely request a statement from your side and use that information to offer you the best possible compensation. It can be tempting to accept a settlement from the insurance company of the other party while you are still recovering from an injury. While medical bills can add up quickly and you may need to have your vehicle repaired or replaced, accepting a settlement from the other party’s insurance company could leave you with money that you will need to fully recover from an accident.

Let’s recap: There are three main reasons it is beneficial to consult a personal injury attorney after an accident. Even if the injuries aren’t severe.

  1. You may not realize the extent of your injuries.
  2. One party might try to claim fault.
  3. The lowest settlement will be offered by insurance companies.

An experienced attorney can help you get fair compensation in each case.

Statute Of Limitations

Even though a personal injury case does not have to be filed right away after an accident, there is a time limit that is legally called the “statute of limitations.” A court will likely deny your claim even if it is strong. California law gives you four years to file a personal injuries claim. However, there are exceptions.

This article was written by Alla Tenina. Alla is a top personal injury lawyer in Orange County CA, and the founder of Tenina law. She has experience in bankruptcies, real estate planning, and complex tax matters. The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information on this website may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. This website contains links to other third-party websites. Such links are only for the convenience of the reader, user or browser; the ABA and its members do not recommend or endorse the contents of the third-party sites.