
Top Issues Worsening Gender Inequality In The Workplace

Even though the world has progressed a lot in various aspects, it still has to resolve gender inequality issues. While both genders are affected by gender inequality, women have suffered more than men. Despite the government’s efforts, unequal treatment of men and women in the workplace still exists today.

Women are still underappreciated in many workplaces and even face retaliation when they try to protest. Knowledge and skills are not associated with a certain gender, and everyone should get an equal opportunity. If you have faced gender inequality in your workplace, do not hesitate to contact a San Antonio employment discrimination lawyer

Top issues worsening gender inequality in the workplace

  • Unequal pay.

Gone are the days when women did not get their education. Today, both men and women are getting bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate degrees. Unfortunately, there is still a wide gap in their pay. Even though statistics say that women only face a 20% gap, other research shows that the gap may be wider. New policies are needed to fix the situation. 

  • Sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment is a common problem in the workplace. San Antonio women are often found to be harassed by their male co-workers and employers. They often face situations of quid pro quo, which leaves them helpless. Sometimes women are even told to endure the abuse as “it is part of the job.” Those women who gather the courage to speak with someone end up being mistreated by everyone in their workplace. This is known as retaliation. 

  • Lack of women leadership.

There is a lack of women leadership in the American workforce. Most companies, businesses, and other organizations have male employers, supervisors, or have a male in authoritative positions. This is mainly due to gender bias and stereotyping. Stereotypes like women are “too emotional” cause people to think that they cannot be tough leaders. Even though there is no shortage of women with leadership skills, men still get picked more for these roles. 

  • Racism.

Racism also plays a part in how women are treated and paid in the workplace. Sometimes a woman’s pay may vary due to her ethnicity and race. This means that women of a certain race may get treated differently from men of the same race. Research shows that white women earn an average of $40,000 per year while Native Americans earn about $28,000. 

  • Women are promoted less than men. 

According to some studies, corporate and public jobs promote more men than women. One of the reasons might be the extended leaves women take during and after pregnancy to care for their newborn child. It could also happen due to the disproportionate number of males in senior positions.