
8 Benefits of Hiring an Elder Law Attorney for Seniors

As we age, life grows inevitably more complex. Health concerns, financial changes, care coordination, and estate planning needs are amplified seemingly overnight.

Seniors must balance so many legal facets related to money management, healthcare access, Medicare rules, and wishes concerning potential incapacity or death. Rather than leave loved ones sorting out confusing matters down the road, proactively engaging an elder law attorney provides expertise to handle shifting dynamics.

In this blog, we will outline specialized legal services offered by elder law practitioners to simplify senior concerns.

1.   Preventing Elder Abuse and Neglect

Unfortunately, elder abuse is quite common. According to the National Council on Aging, 1 in 10 Americans aged 60+ have experienced some form of elder abuse. This ranges from physical and sexual abuse to emotional manipulation to financial exploitation.

An elder law attorney can advise on steps to prevent abuse, such as obtaining a protective order or conservatorship. They can also help investigate suspected abuse and pursue legal action if necessary.

2.   Ensuring Proper Care and Accommodations

An elder law attorney can assist in making sure your loved one receives proper care – whether at home, in assisted living, or in a nursing facility. They can explain what accommodations and treatment they are entitled to under the Americans with Disabilities Act. If a facility fails to provide appropriate care, they can advocate on your loved one’s behalf.

3.   Qualifying for Benefits Like Medicaid and Veterans Assistance

Many elderly individuals rely on programs like Medicaid and Veterans Assistance to help pay for medical care and nursing home expenses. An experienced elder law attorney can help you navigate the complex application processes to qualify for these essential benefits. They stay up to date on all requirements and can offer guidance tailored to your specific situation.

4.   Long-Term Care Planning

Planning for potential long-term care needs, like in-home health aides or nursing homes, involves complicated considerations. An elder law attorney can advise on developing a plan that covers care costs without depleting all assets. Strategies may include things like reverse mortgages or converting assets to income-only trusts.

5.   Medicaid and Medicare Eligibility

Determining Medicaid and Medicare eligibility can be frustrating. Income and asset limits, look-back periods, spend-down requirements…it’s a lot to comprehend. A knowledgeable elder law attorney can review your specific circumstances and explain how to efficiently position assets to meet eligibility thresholds.

6.   Understanding Varying State Laws

Each state has its own laws pertaining to power of attorney, estate administration, nursing home regulations, etc. An elder law attorney who practices in your state will understand the unique legal framework and how to work within it. For example, in Florida, powers of attorney expire after 7 years unless the document provides otherwise.

7.   Getting Your Estate in Order

An elder law attorney can provide immense help in getting your loved one’s estate in order. As circumstances change, it becomes necessary to update legal documents like wills and trusts. An elder law attorney can draft or revise these to reflect your loved one’s current wishes. They can also advise on estate tax reduction strategies.

Your elder law attorney can also look at your loved one’s finances from a long-term perspective. They can help project future costs and needs and implement plans to align assets and income sources accordingly.

There may come a time when transferring certain assets or property to loved ones makes sense. An elder law attorney can ensure this is done properly and legally, with no unintended tax or Medicaid consequences.

8.   Peace of Mind Knowing Your Loved One is Protected

Above all, hiring an elder law attorney provides peace of mind that your aging loved one is protected and cared for. You can take comfort in knowing that a knowledgeable estate planning attorney is looking out for your loved one’s rights and well-being. This brings reduced stress and anxiety.

When questions or concerns inevitably come up, you can turn to your elder law attorney for expert advice and reassurance. With proper planning, you can ensure your loved one’s healthcare, financial, and estate wishes are understood and fulfilled. An elder law attorney helps make that possible.

Choosing the Right Elder Law Attorney

Aging comes with more legal, medical, and money problems. Stivers Law helps seniors with these issues for over 25 years.

Their elder law attorneys protect seniors’ rights. They help get seniors healthcare, housing, and benefits they deserve. They also create plans for when seniors can’t make decisions anymore.

Does your aging parent or loved one need:

  • Help with Medicare issues, debt collectors, or unpaid medical bills?
  • Care planning for health problems ahead?
  • Legal plans to handle their affairs if disabled?

Stivers Law listens and finds solutions. Call them to talk about private care, government benefits, living wills, trusts, and more. Don’t handle elder challenges alone – Stivers Law can advise and protect your aging family.

To learn more about how they can help protect your loved one, visit today.